Saturday, December 11, 2010

You Don't Fool Me

I do not trust you. You ask 'why'? Well, because I have been proven to be a fool-so why would I trust someone that could just make me look as one. You think that I am so easily going to put my heart out there and place my insecurities in your hands? You think that I am so easily going to just give out what I refuse to believe I'll receive back?

You say so many words, so why is it that I don't believe you? You say the things I long to hear-but I truly want to hear them from someone that I know means what they say. Do you see me? Do you even hear my hearts cry? I have been beaten and battered. I have fallen and once I get back up-I'm shoved down once more. The floor has become a friend and you expect me to just trust you? Do you understand how damaged I am? You obviously don't see me.

I try to tell myself it isn't true. I try to tell myself that what I am believing in my mind isn't really the truth. But, I'm unable to do so-and you wonder why it is I can't trust you. I don't even know you...
Anger is just welling up inside of me. I wish that you would never have spoken your heart to me. I just wish you would have left me alone. For if you were to have left me alone then my heart would not shake as it does. I need to be strong and I do not need someone like you making me weak. Once you decide that you are done using me for whatever it is that you are using me for, you then spit me out-where is it you suggest I go?

Do not come into my life and rustle my feathers just for fun. If you want to keep going on living how you have been then get out fast and now. I want no part of you. I fear you and that shouldn't be so when dating. All I know is that I will not trust you-so we will have nothing to hold onto...

Just let go.

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