Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Victim of the Heart

Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad. I haven't written for a while. I guess I preferred the silence screaming the unknown. For what all has gone on, I can't share all-but there's always a starting place. My heart has been the main victim of this tragic story, yet unknowingly it continues to have the strength to survive.
There was once a princess who refused to be caged in. She roamed around outside daily to feel the capacity of space and did not allow boxes to be placed around her imaginatively. Others tried to stop her, for her strong will feared them, but this princess knew who she was and why it was so.
Princess once had a life of secrecy, where those closest to her knew nothing of. For years she hid the pain in a way that it all came seeping out slowly and progressively got worse due to the pain she felt each day from it. There was a questioning in her mind as to why it was she was so messed up inside, yet others around her found her to be this marvelous being. Wasn't it showing by her graceless walk she no longer was full of dignity and class? Why was it they continued to praise her, even though day by day she was falling into the darkened room?
Looking in the mirror, she saw no beauty. All she saw were the scars from being tortured. Those ugly scars captured the weakness she she walked away leaving now the mirror to face her back. When she speaks only a screeching noise of death rings out-confusion of it all rings true. This princess was no longer, sadly, anymore.
What the doctor diagnosed her with, she died a little more each day. Yet this certain prince saw her as she was; despite the black and grey. The prince, she begged of him, to just walk away-for fear she might kill him too. So the games she played and tricks she made-hoping to run him out soon. He kept persisting, each day digging further in-he was determined to see her true heart. Yet, she was so scared for what "they" had done before, she would cast him out before he could.
Now, this prince had her heart, and he knew it just as much-but what he did was test it so. He made grave mistakes and oh were there ever heartbreaks...yet, the love continued to grow. The bond was beyond what was diagnosed, he opened her eyes for her to see. Princess took what was given and tried to see, but all was so blurry she gave up in the matter of minutes. Oh how she tried to be strong, but strength she no longer attained.
No matter how ugly she was-it was she he did not fear. That angered her, for everyone else ran from the very thought of her. They mocked her right and left, yet he peered into her soul. What the prince saw was sad to his heart; making him cry out, "Why oh WHY". He saw everything-from start to finish and it was then, now, he understood. He ran to her and picked her up-gently touching her fragile state.
He cried along side of her tear-stained face and kissed her saddened lips with such a grace. It was then he promised princess to never leave her side, for to do so death would arise and he carried her back to let her heart rest as he knew the long road ahead...


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